Another annoying allergy is pollen allergy.
It is a different allergy from that of the dust mite as it is seasonal. In fact, for many people, spring means the beginning of very annoying symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing and itchy eyes which often mean rhinitis, conjunctivitis or bronchial asthma.
During spring and summer the main culprit of these symptoms is pollen which, transported by the wind, can reach up to several hundred kilometers away.
The main allergens in this category come from ragweed, birch, hornbeam, cypress, beech, grasses, privet, hazel, olive, alder and Parietaria. Many of them have their own pollination season: it is therefore useful to consult the pollen calendar.
The worst thing about spring allergies is that the signs and symptoms occur during hot, dry, or breezy days when there is a lot of pollen in the air.
Also in this case the best thing to do to combat the allergy is to try to avoid contact with the allergenic substance. If this is easier in the case of other allergenic factors, for pollen it is much more complicated, because it means not remaining outdoors during the pollination period, which is practically impossible. However, if possible, it is essential:
• Reduce exposure to pollen
• Be especially careful when there is a lot of pollen in the air
• Keep indoor air clean with air conditioning or air purifiers
• Pay particular attention to household cleaning.