Cos'è l'allergia

What is allergy

Allergy represents an excessive and inappropriate response of the immune system towards generally harmless substances. While everyone can come into contact with allergens, only some individuals develop allergic diseases due to a genetic predisposition to produce specific antibodies known as immunoglobulin E (IgE). The production of IgE leads to a gradual sensitization of the organism. These immunoglobulins bind to mast cells, particular cells containing harmful substances. Allergy occurs when the target organ (conjunctival, nasal, bronchial, gastrointestinal or skin mucosa) shows particularly high reactivity.

Allergic symptoms occur when allergens come into contact with IgE linked to mast cells, which release harmful substances responsible for inflammation and damage to the mucous membranes of the organs involved. Understanding this dynamic is essential to addressing allergies effectively. For more information on allergies and related treatments, read on.

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